Lawmakers Told: Plan From the Cradle For Healthy Aging

Lawmakers were reminded of the benefits of long-term planning and the benefits of evidence-based decision-making in policymaking while grappling with demographic trends, be they an aging population or one with significant growth in youth, like that of Uzbekistan.

Global Solutions Needed for Pandemics, So All Can Live in Dignity

COVID-19 highlighted significant gaps in the world’s ability to deal with pandemics, and it’s crucial these are addressed to mitigate the impacts of future global health problems, Masato Kanda, Japan’s Vice Minister of Finance for International Affairs, told a recent online meeting of parliamentarians.

Legislators Seek Rightful Place at U.N. Talkfests

When the United Nations hosts one of its mega conferences - whether on population, human rights, food security or sustainable development - there is always a demand for full and active participation of often-marginalised groups, including women, civil society, indigenous peoples and youth.

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