Community Radio Stations

INDONESIA: Community Radio Helps Revive Forests

Irman Meilandi unhesitatingly attributes the return of birds, wildlife and the forests around his hilly village of Mandalamekar in West Java province to conservation advice streaming in over community radio.

Verónica Galicia is among those in charge of La Voladora’s social network accounts. Credit: Daniela Pastrana/IPS

Community Station in Mexico Conquers Airwaves and Internet

It’s always cold in this city in Mexico’s Sierra Nevada mountains, more than 2,400 metres above sea level, at the foot of the Popocatépetl volcano.

PODCAST: CHINA – Radio Keeps Tibetans Tuned In

MCRS, a government-approved community station, is one of a handful of localised radio stations providing China’s minorities with news and entertainment in their native languages. Presently, local state-run stations serve five out of 46 ethnic minorities and all programming is approved by the state.

Web site of the Amanecer radio station in Caldera, Chile.  Credit: Courtesy Radio Amanecer

Community Radio Stations Divided Over Law in Chile

Community radio stations in Chile continue to call for a legal framework that would allow them to operate without restrictions, because although a specific law was passed nearly two years ago, it has not yet entered into effect.

Papua New Guinea’s New Dawn With Community Radio

It was the decade-long civil war in the autonomous Bougainville region that inspired the founding of New Dawn FM, a community radio station recognised for contributing to the rebirth of civil society and development.

INDIA: Community Radio Saves Lives and Livelihoods

Fisher Wanka Masani, 25, has been inseparable from his two- dollar transistor ever since a community radio (CR) station started up in this coastal town. The square black box blares popular songs while Masani waits for his brothers to land the daily catch.

PODCAST: INDIA – Community Radio Saves Lives and Livelihoods

Manipadma Jena speaks to listeners and staff of Radio Namaskar on the role of this community radio station in India’s Bay of Bengal.

PODCAST: Radio Static for Ghana’s Community Stations

Sandra Ferrari reports on the battle to find frequencies for community radio in Ghana to enable marginalized to take part in development

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