Stories written by Alexander Chaves

Q&A: Colombia Still in the Icy Grip of Impunity

Death threats are hardly uncommon in Colombia. In fact, if you are a human rights activist, they are practically guaranteed.

Media Freedom Points to Progress in Afghanistan

With a little over a year to go before NATO begins the drawdown of its troops in Afghanistan, predictions about the country’s future run the gamut from utterly bleak to incredibly hopeful.

AIDS and Development: An Agenda for the Future

AIDS has been a global issue for the longest time because of its pervasive effect towards all demographics throughout the world. The central questions of handling the AIDS epidemic would be:  how the international community can create an AIDS-free generation and its current problems preventing such generation from existing in the future.

Platform for Rape Victims in Great Lakes Region

The increasing importance for women to have a voice in times of conflict has been the focus in the latest discourse of peace building throughout the globe.

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