Stories written by Anand Gopal

ENVIRONMENT-AFGHANISTAN: Smog Adds to Kabul’s Hazards

On any given day, a pall of smog and dust hangs over Kabul's streets. It clings to the face, burns the eyes, and stains the hands. It bathes the cars, often stuck bumper-to-bumper in traffic, and occludes the view of the distant mountains.

Fatima Nazari: "U.S. has supported Mujahideen warlords" Credit:  Anand Gopal/IPS

AFGHANISTAN: ‘Jihadis suffocate our voices’

Afghanistan has one of the highest percentages of female lawmakers in the world but their voices are rarely heard. A new political party, National Need, devoted to women's rights, has announced plans to run for the next parliamentary polls. IPS spoke to its head, Fatima Nazari, member of parliament (MP) from Kabul province.

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