Stories written by Evelyn Matsamura Kiapi

RIGHTS-UGANDA: Fugitives in Their Own Country

Every morning Pepe Julian Onziema wakes up not knowing if she will live to see another rising sun. Onziema is transgender and she lives in fear for her life because of a national campaign against gay people.

Susan Timberlake, UNAIDS senior advisor for human rights and law. Credit: Evelyn Matsamura Kiapi

Q&A: Punitive Laws Problematic For HIV Response – UNAIDS

The East African Community is currently developing a law to guide the region's response to HIV/AIDS. The move comes ahead of the commencement of the East Africa common market protocol.

Q&A: Women’s Empowerment: ‘Men Are Interested’

A trident of gender legislation will be debated in Uganda's parliament in November: the Marriage and Divorce Bill, the Domestic Violence Bill and the Female Genital Mutilation Bill.

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