Stories written by GGGI


The World Green Economy Organization (WGEO) and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) signed a partnership agreement today in Dubai to fast-track green investments into bankable smart city projects.

Cambodia Green Infrastructure (CGI)

In this post Aaron Sexton of Cambodia Green Infrastructure (CGI) discusses what compelled him to create social enterprise start-up with his business partner Sirey Sum.  

Kase Cooperative: Bringing “Power” to People

“We’ve always been dreaming of reliable and affordable electricity supply, but it is never going to happen in the near future. The grid is only distanced less than 2 km, but PLN (state-owned utility company) said the cost would be too high due to our isolated location,“ said Head of Kase Village, who run community diesel generator last 4 hours daily but cost at least twice compared to national electricity tariff, in disappointment.

Land Restoration and Boosting Agriculture Through Production of Organic Fertilizers

Rwanda population increasing rate in 2018 is 2.40% according to UN estimation report 2018, the population is estimated at 12.50 million in area of 26,338 km², there are still a multitude of challenges relating to poverty reduction, as almost 80% of the rural population is still subsistence farmers with an average landholding estimated at less than 0.59 hectares. So, need to enhance the food security and nutrition aspects is important for understanding ( P5).

Solar dehydrators fight food waste – MEWA, Pakistan

Plight of farmers in Pakistan is aggravated through the loss/wastage of fruit and vegetables which otherwise could have earned an income for the farmers, like Ali Baksh.

PAVECO – It’s Time to Start Treating Waste As a Resource

Plastic waste has become a major global problem, and one that must be addressed in order to solve the world’s resource and energy challenges. Millions of plastic items are improperly disposed of on a daily basis, creating piles of plastic waste everywhere. This has brought serious damages to local environments around the world in terms of water, air and soil pollution. It blocks drains, pollutes rivers and wreaks havoc on the environment.

Greenpreneurs: the experience

Being a greenpreneur goes beyond being part of an international competition, being a greenpreneur goes beyond getting mentorships from the best experts in sustainability issues, entrepreneurship, finance, clean technologies; being a greenpreneur is a matter of attitude, of innovating, of generating a true change to local problems with global solutions, it is not a question of competing with the other teams, but of collaborating for the same purpose that is to generate green growth for a sustainable development and collaborate in the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The future is green and … microscopic!

The knowledge of some of the microorganisms with which we share the planet Earth has allowed us to have another perspective of the life, we have known how to take advantage of its characteristics to advance science and use them in technology.

BUMDEST: Providing Your Better Pesticide

Back in December 2017, Jonathan was staying for a two-month community service in Sidomulyo, a village under the administration of Batu, a famous tourist city in East Java, Indonesia. Despite its status, Sidomulyo did not fit the description of typical third-world village. They had wide roads, the streets were clean, and also, numerous, well-maintained attraction parks. In fact, one could find hotels and villas, many of which were styled to the taste of affluent population of Surabaya, a metropolitan within two-hour drive range.  

Use ICTs for Scaling up agroecology to achieve the SDGs: PREMIUM HORTUS, the African greentech for Agroecology in implementation in Morocco

Like many African countries (Benin, Cameroon, Togo, Nigeria ...), Morroco has had a rapid increase in its urban population (over 65%), with high demand for garden produce, such as fruits and vegetables. Large quantities of chemical fertilizer and inputs are used by the horticulture sector each year. The distribution system remains very traditional and lacking in modern agricultural technology. Also, there are huge post-harvest losses and food waste (up to 40% for fruits and vegetables according to the FAO) despite the productivity declines, the high vulnerability of small producers and family farms to climate change.

Climate Action through commercialization of grass root waste to energy solutions

Many Ugandans are not familiar with the SDGs, and those that have heard of them picture a complex, international project meant only for those in the United Nations or government to implement. This was the case too for the youth we work with before they became engaged in our Waste to Energy Youth Project. It is our aim to change this lack of knowledge and to deliver action at the community level.

GGGI awarded A+ rating by DFID for the first time

The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) has received an A+ rating in the UK Department for International Development (DFID)’s 2017 Annual Review, highlighting the excellent progress made last year.

GGGI and AMATA ink an MoU to establish Green and Smart city

The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and AMATA Corporation Public Company Limited, a Thai industrial estates provider, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today to advance green growth and sustainable development especially in the area of Green and Smart City in industrial land development in Thailand.

West Africa Building Renewable Energy Sector Partnership and Capacity

“Financing NDC Implementation in the Energy Sector” will feature in an upcoming regional capacity development workshop at Hôtel Royal Beach in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso on June 26-28. The upcoming workshop will be attended by representatives of Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, The Gambia, Guinea, and Senegal.

GGGI signs an Implementation Agreement with the Independent State of Papua New Guinea to provide support in accessing climate finance

The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) signed an agreement to implement a Green Climate Fund (“GCF”) project as a delivery partner for the Independent State of Papua New Guinea’s Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA).

Leveraging Climate Finance in Africa

What: GGGI, in partnership with the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, and the Government of Rwanda will host a side event during the 53rd Annual Meeting of the African Development Bank (AfDB) in Busan, Republic of Korea. The side event will focus on the great strides made by Ethiopia in mobilising financial resources for the Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) initiative to protect the country from the adverse effects of climate change and to build a green economy that will help realise its ambition of reaching middle-income status before 2025.

GGGI raises bar in support of green and climate finance mobilization

The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), in 2017, helped mobilize over half a billion USD for green investments that aim to support developing countries and emerging economies transition toward environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive economic growth.

GGGI assesses inclusive green development Belt and Road opportunities

The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) hosted a side event under the theme of “Green Growth and Regional Cooperation” on 4 May on the sidelines of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Manila, Philippines.

GGGI Side Event At the Asian Development Bank Annual Meeting: Green Growth and Regional Cooperation

What: The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) will hold a knowledge sharing side event during the 51st Annual Meeting of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Manila that will look at opportunities and challenges in mainstreaming green growth. The side event will also look at enabling policies for regional cooperation for inclusive and sustainable growth, green investment and eradicating poverty. China’s Belt and Road Initiative is an example of how regional infrastructure initiatives can be used to pursue the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Can modern bio-economy strengthen the climate agreement and energy security?

Dr. Frank Rijsberman, GGGI Director-General, will deliver a keynote presentation on Strengthening the Climate Agreement and Energy Security at the Global Bioeconomy Summit 2018 on April 20 in Berlin, Germany.

GGGI to Assist Thailand to Close Financial Gaps for Green Growth

Thailand, a member of GGGI, has set an ambitious greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction target of 20-25% from the business-as-usual level by 2030 under the Paris Agreement. However, the country is faced with a bold challenge in securing resources for green growth and low-carbon investment.

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