Stories written by Daniela Estrada
Daniela Estrada joined IPS in 2004 and has been the Santiago correspondent since July 2006. Also in 2006, her story titled "Pascua-Lama sí, pero no tocar glaciares" was singled out among 24 others from all over the world to receive the Project Censored Award from Sonoma State University in California. Born in Santiago in 1981, Daniela Estrada has a degree in journalism from the Universidad de Chile and has worked for several media outlets in the field of technology.

CHILE: Grassroots Heritage Preservation Efforts Growing

With the first National Congress on Heritage Neighbourhoods and Areas, community groups in Chile plan to draw attention to their struggle to defend the country's vulnerable historic heritage.

CHILE: Flood of Indigenous Demands a Challenge for Government

While many are sceptical that the Chilean government will deliver on its promise of a shift in indigenous policy, the deadline is looming for the administration of Sebastián Piñera to live up to Inter-American Commission on Human Rights recommendations with respect to imprisoned members of the Mapuche community.

CHILE: Clouds on the Horizon in Fishing Industry

Unemployment in Chile's fishing industry will rise this year, experts and the association of small-scale fishers warn, due to the reduction in catch quotas adopted in response to overfishing and plunging stocks of key species, particularly jack mackerel.

ILO 17th American Regional Meeting Credit: ILO/Inostroza

LATIN AMERICA: Quality Jobs Urgently Needed for Rising Generation

Programmes to reduce the unemployment rate among young people in Latin America and the Caribbean should be a priority for countries in the region, said experts, trade unionists and government representatives meeting in the Chilean capital.

CHILE: Flood of Criticism for “Retrograde” AIDS Campaign

"It’s much more fun to die of old age than to die of AIDS. And if you die with your lifelong partner, so much the better. Avoid AIDS: be faithful" is one of the controversial TV spots in this year’s edition of the annual anti-AIDS campaign by Chile’s Health Ministry.

COLOMBIA: Climate Science Reaching Out for Traditional Farmers’ Wisdom

The wide-ranging knowledge about climate variation possessed by native people and other small farmers, such as the people in one region of Colombia, is almost a perfect match to scientific measurements recorded on high-tech instruments.

LATIN AMERICA: More Education and Cash Transfers Needed to Fight Inequality

As the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean get back on track with the economic growth and poverty reduction they were achieving prior to the global economic crisis, improvements in education and cash transfers to households with children are emerging as key tools to begin to defeat inequality.

CHILE: Doubt Cast on Government’s Commitment to Human Rights

The Chilean government's commitment to the protection and promotion of human rights has been called into question by a new report by a university human rights centre.

Lion's claw (Leontochir ovallei), a flower native to the Atacama Desert and sold abroad. Credit: Courtesy of INIA

Genetic Flight of Chile’s Natural Jewels

Cactus, bushes, flowers and countless other plants are taken out of Chile daily to be studied, improved, marketed and patented. Due to the lack of regulations, the country can only stand by and watch them go.

Lion's claw (Leontochir ovallei), a flower native to the Atacama Desert and sold abroad. - Courtesy of INIA

Genetic Flight of Nature's Jewels from Chile

Nearly half of Chile's flora is found exclusively in this country and many possess unique chemical compounds. But for now there is no legal way to control their exploitation abroad.

CHILE: Alarm Over Decline in Mackerel Stocks

Over-exploitation of jack mackerel, the main commercial species of fish caught in Chile, has caused the decline of the Pacific ocean species and a crisis in the fishing industry. Scientists recommend halving the catch in 2011.

Mexican electrical workers on hunger strike. Credit: Daniela Pastrana /IPS

LATIN AMERICA: Hunger Strikes Fuelled by Institutional Deafness

Protesters ranging from prisoners to government leaders have resorted to hunger strikes in Latin America in recent years to press their demands. Behind the growing use of the extreme protest measure is a lack of institutional responses, according to experts.

CHILE: Documentary Reveals Injustices Endured by Mapuches – and Filmmaker

Finally, her documentary film about the indigenous Mapuche people has reached theatres in Chile and in other countries. Elena Varela was in the midst of making the film when she was imprisoned on charges for which she has now been completely cleared.

CHILE: Women Sterilised Over HIV Status

When Francisca arrived at the historic Curicó Hospital – a staple in the Chilean central valley for nearly one and a half centuries – for the birth of her first child, she didn't know it would be her only one.

Chilean Captain Fuentes with children at a school in Haiti. Credit: Courtesy of Chilean Army

LATIN AMERICA: Women Peacekeepers Have a Vital Role to Play

In June 2009, Chilean army captain Andrea Fuentes travelled to the city of Cap-Haïtien, in north Haiti, to serve for six months in her country's contingent in the United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH).

Valle del Huasco, in the semi-arid Chilean region of Atacama.  Credit: Daniela Estrada/IPS

Chile Measures Its “Water Footprints”

How many litres of water are needed to produce one kilogram of table grapes? The current effort to measure the "water footprint" of this and other Chilean exports could give us some answers by year's end.

Undernourished child in Camotán, in eastern Guatemala.  Credit: Danilo Valladares/IPS

LATIN AMERICA: Growth and Social Inclusion Must Be Linked to Fight Hunger

The concept that the state plays a key role in overcoming chronic hunger is not a new one. But the latest figures from Latin America show that more public money and social programmes alone are ineffective solutions.

Chilean Miners Rescue May Mark a Watershed in Workplace Safety

"This country has to understand that changes must be made," said Mario Sepúlveda, the second Chilean miner -- of the group of 33 trapped 700 metres underground for over two months -- rescued in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

Valle del Huasco, in the arid Chilean region of Atacama. - Daniela Estrada/IPS

Chilean Companies and Products Measure Their “Water Footprint”

Under pressure from the business sector, Chile is leading the way in measuring the impact on water resources in the production of everything from fruit to gold.

CHILE: Society’s Incomprehension Fuels Mapuche Hunger Strike

As concern grows for the health and lives of 38 Mapuche prisoners on a hunger strike in different prisons in southern Chile, IPS consulted academics about the problems underlying the conflict.

Caribbean beach in Tulum, Mexico  Credit: Mauricio Ramos/IPS

Climate Justice Treks from Cochabamba to Cancun

The "people's" climate agenda that the Bolivian government and civil society produced at an April conference in Cochabamba has made its way to the official United Nations negotiating table. But its inclusion in a binding climate treaty is unlikely, say activists.

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