Stories written by Apostolis Fotiadis
Apostolis Fotiadis writes for IPS from Athens. He has been covering political issues, particularly migrants’ rights as well as ethnic conflict and population movement in the Balkans. Since 2004, Fotiadis has also written for the national Greek daily Kathimerini and been published in various other regional newspapers. He received his education in history at Aberdeen University and has an interdisciplinary master’s degree in nationalism. | Twitter |

GREECE: Society Begins to Crack Under Harsh Measures

Every working day, more than a hundred people crowd around the entrance of the merchant and passenger boats' reconstruction industry, well known as 'The Zone', in the southern suburb of Attiki.

GREECE: Turks Bearing Gifts

The first visit in six years of a Turkish prime minister to Greece has been widely hailed as a historical rapprochement after a long period of mutual bitterness.

Demonstrations against austerity measures in Athens.  Credit: Nikos Pilos/IPS

ECONOMY-GREECE: Convulsions Follow EU Shock Therapy

The firebombing of a bank by demonstrators protesting against severe austerity measures, which killed two women and a man, appears to Greeks as a sign of social deterioration arising from their country’s financial crisis.

POLITICS-HUNGARY: Rightward Swing Has Fascist Overtones

In the autumn of 2006 Hungary was rocked by a series of anti-government protests triggered by the release of a tape in which then prime minister Ferenc Gyurcsány confessed to his Social-Democratic Party (MSZP) having lied to win elections that year. Now it is payback time.

ECONOMY: Greek Crisis Impacts the Balkans

Serious concerns are being raised about the impact of the ongoing recession in Greece on the political and economic situation in the neighbouring Balkans.

Greeks protesting against austerity measures. Credit: Apostolis Fotiadis/IPS

ECONOMY-GREECE: Austerity Measures Unsettle Public

Xristos Kiriakou, 30, joined the Feb. 24 strike against the austerity measures announced by the Panhellenic Socialist Party (Pasok), although he has never been involved in public protests before.

GREECE: New Migrant Law Tough But Respects Rights

The newly elected Pan-Hellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) government's plans to move legislation, that will greatly affect migrants and refugees, have been both welcomed and criticised by rights organisations and activists.

MIGRATION: Fortress Europe Starts With Greece

When Michalis Chrisohoidis, Greek minister of citizens' protection announced that FRONTEX, the European Agency for Border Control and Protection, would double its representation in this country in spring, it was clear that Greece is being charged with special responsibilities to apprehend and repatriate illegal migrants into Europe.

KOSOVO: Neglect of Youth Costing Dear

Despite commitments by the Kosovo government and the international community to engage the youth of the region creatively, youngsters in the newborn state are seeing a steady deterioration in the quality of their lives.

Forensic anthropologist Alan Robinson attempting to identify remains in Kosovo. Credit: Lukas Milan/IPS

KOSOVO: Ten Years On, Forensics Continues to ID Missing

Pictures of missing people have been hanging for years next to the gate to the fence surrounding Kosovo’s parliament. Some of them have been there for so long that the features of the faces can hardly be seen anymore - a good example of how slow and painful the process of discovering the fate of the missing is.

GREECE: New Leaders May Not Bring New Answers

The call for snap elections on Oct 2, about two years earlier than the end of the government's mandate surprised no one in Greece. They were in fact overdue given the political bankruptcy of the government of the right-wing party New Democracy (ND).

GREECE: Zero Tolerance, Zero Concern

Increasing evidence has surfaced that a zero tolerance policy is denying due protection to people fleeing hardship, and condemning them to degrading treatment.

MIGRATION: Abandoned Between Two States

Isabelle Caillol, an activist with the Turkish branch of the human rights advocacy group Helsinki Citizens Assembly, sent a mass email to pro-migrant activists in Greece in May seeking help to find the family of Abbas Khavari, a 14-year-old Afghan refugee born in Iran.

MIGRATION: Tricky Gateway to a European Dream

Izmir has for years been luring migrants and refugees who dream of crossing into Europe.

GREECE: New Laws Being Rushed in Against Migrants

Following a big defeat in the European parliament elections, the right-wing New Democracy (ND) government is cracking down on irregular migration to counter the far right.

RIGHTS: Greece Cannot Take Very Much More

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres has asked the European Commission to call a meeting between the agency and countries around the Mediterranean to work out a joint strategy to deal with irregular migration.

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GREECE: Showdown With Muslims Building Up

Fears have arisen for peace in Athens ahead of a large Muslim demonstration planned for Friday May 29. The demonstration has been called following rioting last week.

GREECE: State Itself Becoming Xenophobic

"I can see migrants are the source of many problems," says Maria Nafpliotou, an employee at a music store in the city centre. "Nobody is happy to see them living around here, but I doubt slaying them is a solution."

GREECE: Financial Crisis Multiplies Migrant Miseries

The economic crisis is hitting migrants harder than most other people, and it looks set to get worse for them.

GREECE: ‘Culture of Control’ Taking Over

The government of the right-wing New Democracy has announced massive security measures that legal experts warn can corrode social and political rights.

GREECE: For Refugees, Could Afghanistan be Worse

For more than a decade migrants and refugees have been landing up at a slum in Patras town in the hope of catching a boat to Italy.

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